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Retire in Portugal and get 3 bonus on your net income

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Retire in Portugal and increase your earnings from it

 You’ve probably spent some time in Portugal, either on business or for leisure reasons. If you are already retired or plan to retire, why not move and start a new life in Portugal? It is a matter of choosing the right options to meet your expectations and desires.

Portugal has good thinks to offer. Now, we are just emphasizing 3 great things that can improve your lifestyle during the retirement in Portugal.


1. Income gains

If you retire in Portugal, your income can improve the equivalent of your home country income taxes. In fact, the Portuguese legislation allows foreigners living in Portugal, to have their retirement pension exempt. Also to be considered, a reduced taxation is provided for dividends and capital gains.

In addition, according to a recent report from PWC, the Personal Income Tax regime for non-habitual residents, “will be subject to a reduced 20% PIT rate both on salaries and business and professional income of a Portuguese source arising from high added value activities of a scientific, artistic or technical nature”.



Retire in Portugal and get 3 bonus on your net income, Sintra, Roy Ross

Retire in Portugal and get 3 bonus on your net income, Sintra


2. Cost of living

Having your retirement in Portugal, also enable you to have a reasonable improvement in your cost of living. It can be as much as 30% lower then in most of the European countries and the United States.




Retire in Portugal and get 3 bonus on your net income

Retire in Portugal and get 3 bonus on your net income, Algarve


3. House costs

Real estate in Portugal is undervalued in most of the regions. You can find a cheaper house then the equivalent one in your country. And not just the buying price. If you want to rent, the prices can be very attractive and can be an option for you the rent a house during a period of six months to evaluate how good is the area and give you time enough to have the right decision.

Price per square meter can be around 1500 euros, depending also on the region and location.


Portugal is Paradise, can assist you in the decision to make a healthy retirement in Portugal. Just call us, click here to get in touch

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Author: Pedro Fidalgo

Project Manager and Entrepreneur. IT Systems Development, Process and Quality Management, Innovation and Leadership skills. Practical and results oriented, strong customer orientation and a love for challenges and team building spirit.

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